For analysis of sequencing data that was generated with AmoyDx® NGS kits, Zytomed Systems offers the AmoyDx® NGS data analysis system (ANDAS) from our partner AmoyDx®. The system encompasses a local work station and the preinstalled ANDAS analysis software. Included in the software are specific analysis modules for data analysis of the different AmoyDx® sequencing panels. The analysis modules are based on several sequence variant databases and are updated regularly. NGS data analysis with the ANDAS system is therefore fast and easy to accomplish.
Product | Manufacturer | Amount | Status | Order no. | Info | |
ANDAS Data Analyzer | AmoyDx | 1 Server System | - | CE/IVD | ANDAS-1 |
Clear display of important NGS quality parameters like Q30 (%), alignment rate (%) or effective sequencing depth for each sample
Local workstation for high data security
Regular updates of underlying variant databases
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