Topic Overview > Now available: Small, cost-effective liquid biopsy NGS assay

Now available: Small, cost-effective liquid biopsy NGS assay

AmoyDx® HRR Liquid NGS Panel: Detection of mutations in 24 genes

The AmoyDx® HRR Liquid NGS Panel (RUO) is an NGS assay for the qualitative detection of mutations (SNVs, InDels) in 20 HRR genes as well as PTEN, AKT1, PIK3CA and AR on cfDNA from blood plasma. The small, cost-effective panel covers the most important HRR genes including all genes mentioned in the S3 guideline “Prostate cancer”, version 7.0, May 2024 in the context of a PARPi therapy [1].

The library is prepared using the hybrid capture method (ddCAP technology) over two days and the sequence data is analyzed locally by the AmoyDx® NGS Data Analysis System (ANDAS).

For more information, please click here.

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Stay tuned for more liquid biopsy products coming soon.

[1] S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom Version 7.0 – Mai 2024 AWMF-Registernummer: 043-022OL