Products > MolPath > Real-Time PCR Assays AmoyDx® > Detection of fusion transcripts

Detection of fusion transcripts

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Product Order no.
AmoyDx® ALK Gene Fusions and ROS1 Gene Fusions Detection Kit ADX-AR01-A
AmoyDx® ALK Gene Fusions and ROS1 Gene Fusions Detection Kit ADX-AR01-D
AmoyDx® EGFR/ALK/ROS1 Mutations Detection Kit ADX-EAR01-DR
AmoyDx® EML4-ALK Fusion Gene Detection Kit ADX-AE01-R
AmoyDx® MET Mutation Detection Kit ADX-ME02-R
AmoyDx® Multi-Gene Mutations Detection Kit ADX-LM01-A
AmoyDx® Multi-Gene Mutations Detection Kit ADX-LM01-B
AmoyDx® Multi-Gene Mutations Detection Kit ADX-LM01-D
AmoyDx® Multi-Gene Mutations Detection Kit ADX-LM01-J
AmoyDx® NTRK Gene Fusions Detection Kit ADX-NT01
AmoyDx® Pan Lung Cancer PCR Panel ADX-LG01-B
AmoyDx® Pan Lung Cancer PCR Panel ADX-LG01-BR
AmoyDx® Pan Lung Cancer PCR Panel ADX-LG01-DR
AmoyDx® Pan Lung Cancer PCR Panel ADX-LG01-J
AmoyDx® RET Gene Fusions Detection Kit ADX-RE05-R
AmoyDx® ROS1 Gene Fusions Detection Kit ADX-RO03

Product availability

Products may not be approved or available in your region. Please check with your local Zytomed-Systems representative.

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