Products > MolPath > Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) > The AmoyDx®-ddCAP kits (Hybrid Capture)

The AmoyDx®-ddCAP kits (Hybrid Capture)

The protocol of AmoyDx® ddCAP (dual directional capture) kits encompasses a two-day workflow. It is based on hybrid capture technology and therefore enables the detection of unknown gene fusions.

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Product Order no.
AmoyDx® Comprehensive Panel ADX-NCP04-R
AmoyDx® Essential NGS Panel ADX-NLC01
AmoyDx® FGFR1-4 NGS Panel ADX-NFP08-R
AmoyDx® HRR Liquid NGS Panel ADX-NHLP10-R
AmoyDx® Master Panel ADX-NMP07-R

Advantages of the AmoyDx® ddCAP kits

  • Detection of unknown gene fusion partners

  • UID-sequences (unique identifier sequences) efficiently identify PCR errors during data analysis

  • Sequencing data analysis on the AmoyDx® ANDAS workstation, a cloud-independent stand-alone system for high data security

  • Suitable for many common Illumina sequencing platforms

Product availability

Products may not be approved or available in your region. Please check with your local Zytomed-Systems representative.

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